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What Is A Birth Center?


Why Choose a Birth Center?

Freestanding birth centers provide the opportunity for families to take a holistic and engaged approach to their birth experience with supportive, professional and highly trained licensed midwives.


Birth centers can be a fantastic middle-ground option for many families that would like to have evidence-based, culturally competent and fully informed holistic care.

Can I have a waterbirth?

Absolutely. And waterbirth is not all that we're about! We want you to drink during labor, eat during labor, move during labor. You'd be surprised at how soothing and pleasant water can be during your labor and birth.


We put a tub in your birth room for your convenience and we have an amazing shower that you can labor in as well. Partners, bring your suit!

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Couple in Sweatshirts

You don't have to have a baby to have a midwife!

Did you know that midwifery care covers a wide range of services including: 


  • Reproductive Health Care (including Pap testing and STD/STI testing)


  • Preconception and Family Building Support


  • IUI and ICI procedures


  • Menopause Management


​..and of course, high quality, personalized, evidence based Maternity Care.

What are some benefits of care with a Community Midwife?

Community Midwives are highly trained, holistically minded, clinical care providers who are dedicated to providing individualized care for you and your family.


Community Midwives are licensed by the California Medical Board and practice following The Midwifery Model of Care.


Community Midwives are a unique group of care providers who are talented, caring and experienced. We expect and welcome your active participation in your care.

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© 2024 by San Diego Community Birth Center. 

No medical advice will be given via email, text or phone to non-clients.

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